Yard Waste Disposal
Our eco-friendly waste management services not only help you maintain a clean yard but also reduce landfill by composting.

Yard Waste Disposal
Shenandoah Yard Waste Site
Our yard waste facility offers free access to City of Shenandoah residents, while commercial haulers are charged $5.00 per pickup truck load and $10.00 per trailer load.
- Operating Hours:April 1 - October 31:
8:00AM - 6:00PM Monday through Friday
8:00AM - 12:00PM Saturday
November 1 - March 31:
8:00AM - 5:00PM Monday through Friday
8:00AM - 12:00PM Saturday - Additional Information:Brush with limbs larger than 8” diameter need to be less than 4 feet long.
Yard Waste Disposal
Request Yard Waste Removal
For yard waste disposal, bag leaves and grass clippings in a 30-gallon paper bag. Bundle branches separately (4 feet max, 40 pounds max) and schedule a pickup with us.

Dispose Yard Waste
Fill a 30-gallon paper bag with your yard waste

Yard Waste Pickup
Place the bag on the curb on your designated pick-up day

Yard Waste Removal
Our team collects your yard waste, turning it into useful resources
What Can I Dispose
Yard Waste Solutions for Every Need

Christmas tree (natural)

Yard and garden trimmings



Grass clippings